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Posted on Sep 3, 2015

Driving up the 101 – Part 1

Driving up the 101 – Part 1

As I mentioned in my last post, our plans went out the window and we decided to cross over to the coast. We would drive up the 101, stopping to visit the California...

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Posted on Aug 31, 2015

California Countryside

California Countryside

The weekend before last, we drove all the way down to Woodland, California to meet up with some of Andrew’s family and visit with his Nana. We rode horses, shot...

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Posted on Jul 16, 2012


It’s been one week since we returned from our impromptu vacation – and mannnn, what a full week: taking in a new foster dog, house projects, job stuff, and...

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Posted on May 26, 2012

Visiting the New England Coast

  [nggallery id=2] Last weekend, we took a short (ha!) little drive up to Dover, NH to visit our good friends, Maggie and Marshall. Opting for the scenic route, we...

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Posted on Mar 17, 2012

Vermont ….yeah, it was awhile ago

[nggallery id=1]   So, awhile ago…a month to be exact…we drove up to Vermont for a long weekend. It was a chance to reconnect with some friends spread...

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Posted on Aug 20, 2011

the waiting game

the waiting game

Here’s a breakdown of the past 30+ hours: Friday 2 am – go to bed after packing/removing crap from overstuffed suitcase/repacking/dog-proofing the house/...

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