Vermont ….yeah, it was awhile ago
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So, awhile ago…a month to be exact…we drove up to Vermont for a long weekend. It was a chance to reconnect with some friends spread out through New England and partake in some skiing. As luck would not have it, it was uncharacteristically warm and my visions of pristine, snow-covered trees was quickly replaced with a somewhat muddy and mostly brown landscape. However, Vermont doesn’t know how to be ugly, even when it tries, and the trip was still a blast with surprisingly good skiing considering the warmth (the slopes still felt frigid), a brewery tour, a marathon round of board games, maple syrup tasting, and my first ever portrait session of a couple  (that don’t have four legs, chew toys or waggly tails…sorry Sherlock & Sawyer,  you don’t count). Thanks to Marshall and Maggie for the chance to click away!
All told, it was a fantastic trip and nice to get away for just a little reprieve from real life. We stayed near Windsor, a town fairly close to Woodstock, which is where we visited last year and is absolutely charming. I ♥ Vermont … if you get the chance to visit, do it!
Now that I’ve let an entire month slip away, and it feels like spring outside, I’m finally sharing some pictures from the trip. Glad I have such good timing 🙂
Looks like a fun time was had by all!