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Posted on Feb 19, 2015

Snacky McSnackerson


I find myself frequently wanting a tasty little snack around mid-morning or mid-afternoon that will satisfy me and keep the hunger monster away. Since I’m a lazy American, I also want instant gratification – that snack needs to be at my beck and call, something I can make ahead to grab and go when I’m hungry. And I also want it to be cheap. That’s not asking for too much, right?


If you’re like me and could use a bite-sized nugget of energy every now and again, then consider these tasty little bites. Make them ahead of time, stick them in your fridge and then grab one or two when you need to quiet the storm before you are full-blow hangry. I really like these because they never bother my stomach if I have one shortly before going for a run. They are calorie-dense so eating just one or two is very satisfying without making me feel like there’s a lead weight in my stomach. Also, they got the husband seal of approval so I know they’re a winner.

I couldn’t think of a decent name for them – my original idea of ‘date balls’ doesn’t sound super appetizing and I would hazard a guess that quite a few people wouldn’t even realize you’re talking about food if you brought it up in conversation. So if you can come up with a fabulous name, I’m all ears! You won’t win anything except my gratitude and bragging rights but merit is in the effort not the reward, right? In the meantime, I’ll just settle for ‘Coco-nutty Energy Bites.’

Coco-nutty Energy Bites


*Makes ~16 bites


– 1 cup chopped dates*

– 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

– 1/4 cup chocolate chips**

– 5 tablespoons natural peanut butter***


* chopped dates are usually cheaper than whole, pitted dates. Since we’re going to be processing them into teeny tiny pieces, no point in paying more $$ for whole dates. Look for them in the bulk section if your store has one.

** I used mini chips because that’s what was in my pantry. Again, since they’re being chopped into little pieces, it really doesn’t matter what size they are.

** I use Adam’s Creamy PB which tends to be on the runny side. If your peanut butter is very thick/dry, you might need to add a little liquid in the form of water or almond milk to moisten the mixture enough so the balls hold shape.



1. Measure your ingredients & toss into food processor.


2. Process until you get a moist crumbly mixture.


3. Shape into tablespoon-sized balls & store in refrigerator.


Results & Conclusions

Faintly sweet and wholly satisfying, these really are the perfect little bites.



They have enough healthy fat to provide ample ammo against a raging snack monster.



Whip up a batch & stick them in the fridge for the next time you need a tasty little bite to tide you over.




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