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Posted on May 8, 2015

Friday Favorites

Just popping in to share a few of my favorites as of late:

1. Hounds being … well, hounds.







2. Fresh Herbs


Oh, these window boxes make me so happy! How can they not? Fresh herbs pretty much guarantee that I will not screw up dinner. Just take any dish, say a plain grilled cheese, and and add fresh herbs and suddenly you’re a gourmet restaurant – Tillamook cheddar on 9-grain bread with fresh thyme, $13 ….. right???

3. Blooming Flowers

It’s been such a wonderful surprise to see what’s blooming in our yard. First, the azaleas popped into color.


Then a mass of ugly, brown vines transformed into beautiful purple clematis, just outside the office window.


Finally, the rhododendron in the front yard put forth the most gorgeous crimson blooms. I have never seen red rhododendron in my life but I see them all around town here. So pretty!



4. Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie


The rhubarb in the garden is growing like crazy and threatening to shade out our greens. So, I’m doing what any practical, sane person would do and making strawberry-rhubarb pie …. on an all-too-regular basis. But I don’t think I’ll ever look back and regret eating pie – in my book, pie is always a good decision.

5. It’s Friday!! Which means tomorrow is Saturday, and with beautiful weather forecasted it will be a perfect day for hiking!


Enjoy your weekend!

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