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Posted on Apr 6, 2015

Easter 2015

a heads up: this post contains (1) serious thoughts, and (2) an incredibly silly dog video I put together. If you can’t handle serious, skip to the bottom. If you can’t handle silly …. well, then you probably shouldn’t read this blog  🙂


On Easter Sunday, we went to church, sat down in the pew and listened to the tale of the cross.

My heart and mind filled with the truth that I so often try to push under the rug:

I am broken.

I am a mess.

The world tells me to be stronger. It tells me I can fix anything. I can fix myself.

The greatest struggle, the greatest anxiety, the greatest disappointment comes when I believe this.

The greatest relief and comfort comes when I accept the truth. The truth that only Jesus has the strength to lift my broken soul off the ground, mend me with His grace and wash away my worry. I am weak but He is strong enough to handle the worst that may come my way. This crazy love He has for us … it is everything.

And that, my friends, is cause for celebration. It is reason to smile and laugh and give hugs and let joy flow out to your family and friends and neighbors. It is even reason enough to fill baskets with sweets (or dog treats) and give to others as we remember how our Savior gave for us.



(Wally says thank you to grandma for mailing doggie Easter treats!)


Andrew and I have struggled a bit in finding a church home here, and maybe one day I’ll write more about it. Suffice it to say, however, that we’ve been blessed to recently find a place that feels right and blessed again to enjoy Easter dinner with a group from church. It was fun to share in their traditions and sample delicious food.  In the afternoon, we came home and took the obligatory Easter photos.





And then we staged our first ever Hunt Hound Easter Egg Hunt (say that fives times fast!)



We filled some eggs with dog treats, hid them in the yard and let the dogs put their noses to work, one by one. It took them awhile to understand what was going on but they all did pretty well.







Ella and Annie were the clear superstars of the hunt. In fact, at times, it seemed as though Annie was just toying with us, like ‘Oh, that egg? Yeah, I knew it was there the whole time – duh!’

Here’s a little compilation of their hunt- enjoy!


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