An unexpected trip
Yesterday, we packed up the car and trekked down to North Carolina. I don’t want to get into the details too much on the blog but one of Andrew’s aunts passed away. It was very unexpected and I still don’t think it’s fully sunk in that she’s gone.
Life is beautiful but also fragile. Each day is so precious because you’re not guaranteed another. I’m sure we’ve all heard that in one form or another so many times that the thought just rolls right off our backs.
But it’s true.
When faced with the end of someone’s life, you can’t help but evaluate your own. Have I used this gift fully? How much time have I wasted in indecision, in fear of change? Have I built solid relationships and have I nurtured them? Have I taken joy in today instead of just enduring until some future magical time where everything is just right?
I know I’m not satisfied with my answers to those questions. I’ve often struggled with drifting through different seasons of my life, waiting for some external force to prompt change, missing out on so many opportunities to sincerely experience the moment I’m in. I don’t know how many times I’ve thought, “Just get through this now – you can be happy/joyful/non-frazzled later.”
There’s simply not enough time to do that, is there?
God has created a world with a billion opportunities to create, help, love, laugh, nurture and sometimes to just simply stand in awe. Time to shake off the excuses and
I’m probably rambling but my point is this: take this as a simple reminder to live intentionally and fully in today. Find joy. Give hugs. Get some good ol belly laughs in there. Turn the tv off, step away from the computer and create a memory with your family. You won’t regret it.