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Posted on Nov 21, 2014

The Hunts Head West – Day 2

The Hunts Head West – Day 2

This post could also be titled ‘The Day of Corn.’ We drove through miles and miles and then somehow more miles of corn. But I’m getting ahead of...

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Posted on Nov 20, 2014

The Hunts Head West – Day 1

The Hunts Head West – Day 1

Moving from coast to coast is no joke, my friends. Especially when you add in five dogs and a moving truck. Fortunately, my mom volunteered to drive with us and help us...

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Posted on Nov 18, 2014

The Hunts Head West – Part 1

The Hunts Head West – Part 1

Time to dust off the blog and bring it back to life! So much has happened since I last wrote but rather than try to re-cap everything, I’ll jump right in at the...

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