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Posted on Oct 7, 2015

Summer in Corvallis

Summer in Corvallis

This summer was a full one, indeed. We made a valiant effort to soak up as much as we could of the fresh air and the fresh food and the feeling of freedom that only...

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Posted on Jul 27, 2015

Adventures in Oregon: Paradise Park

Adventures in Oregon: Paradise Park

At the start of summer, Andrew and I sat down at our kitchen table and made a bucket list of sorts. We pulled out our guide books, which are entering that satisfying...

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Posted on Jun 22, 2015

Adventures in Oregon: Browder Ridge

Adventures in Oregon: Browder Ridge

I am officially a hiking addict. Two weeks passed since our last hike and I found myself huddled in a corner, rocking back and forth, murmuring ‘mustgooutside...

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Posted on Jun 8, 2015

Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends

We had an awesome hiking adventure this weekend but first, I need to wrap up telling you about last weekend! We did our best to fill the rest of Michel’s visit...

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Posted on Jun 5, 2015

Adventures in Oregon: Zigzag Canyon

Adventures in Oregon: Zigzag Canyon

Mount Hood beckoned to be explored again so we headed there with Andrew’s mom during her visit. This time, we followed a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail to...

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