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Posted on Feb 26, 2016

Adventures in Oregon: Yurts!

Adventures in Oregon: Yurts!

Way back in January, we headed to the coast for an overnight trip to celebrate Andrew’s birthday. We’ll just ignore the fact that ohhhh, a month has gone by...

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Posted on Nov 4, 2015

Adventures in Oregon: Opal Creek

Adventures in Oregon: Opal Creek

Well, well, well. Here we are again. I think you know the routine by now – wow, how time flies, busy busy busy, the poor blog has been woefully neglected but...

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Posted on Aug 17, 2015

Adventures in Oregon: Central Oregon

Adventures in Oregon: Central Oregon

There’s really no good title for our most recent adventure as it turned out to be a sampling of all different places. Our trip began one bright and early Saturday...

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Posted on Jul 29, 2015

Adventures in Oregon: Jefferson Park

Adventures in Oregon: Jefferson Park

Another hike that we crossed off our summer bucket list recently was Jefferson Park. This beautiful locale features wildflower meadows, lakes and scenic views of Mount...

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