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Posted on Jan 22, 2012

Blog…it’s back, baby

Let’s chat, shall we?

So, I kind of dropped off the face of the blogging earth (blearth?) for… well, let’s just say awhiiiiiile and leave it at that. As much as I would love to be SuperHeather who cooks all meals from scratch, develops and documents amazing new recipes, works out like a mad woman, excels at the good ol 9-5, has a perfectly tidy house and vacuums in pearls and high heels…I’ve had to take a reality check (don’t worry, I would never actually vacuum in heels; yes to the pearls though).

Over the past few months, I chose to focus on some areas of my life that were high priority, and now that they’re relatively under control, I’m excited to add blogging back into the mix. And the crowds cheered. ‘Crowds’ may or may not equal my family + my dogs.

I’ve really missed having this virtual space to share a bit of myself. Having said that, there will be some minor changes to the blog – while there will still be plenty of talk about food, there will also be some more lifestyle content thrown in. So, be prepared for a mix of gratuitous dog tails tales, travel adventures, highlights of the beautiful state I live in, frugally house stuff, and hopefully (fingers crossed) some science talk.

I’m excited and hope you are too 🙂

So what have I been up to? Speaking of gratuitous dog tales, we have entered the world of dog foster-dom (foster-hood?).

Our first foster was Gingerbread, who we just recently adopted out to a loving family.

Before we had time to feel too sad, though, we brought home our current foster: Precious, a border collie – Shar Pei mix.

This sweet girl has diabetes that was never managed and is severely underweight; hopefully, though, with some TLC, we’ll be able to get her back to full health.

So far, her favorite activities include sleeping, following us closely around the house, and sleeping some more. Needless to say, she’s fitting in with our dogs quite well. Sherlock has immediately secured his role as alpha dog with a couple of toothless snarls, and Sawyer is of course delighted for any and all canine company.

In other news, snow finally made its way to our little town, covering everything with a beautiful white cloak. Fingers crossed it stays for awhile… (did you hear that Rain, I’m talking to you – you’re not wanted here, go on now – scootch).

Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone!

– H


  1. So glad to see your back!! I have missed reading your wonderful blogs.
    P.S. I am in love with Precious!

  2. Welcome back! What a “Precious” picture of “Precious”! She looks really sweet. Hope the snow stays awhile! Enjoy! Love ya.

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